Sunday, 4 November 2012

Release your Emotions


Release your Emotions

Negative emotions like anger, fear and sadness can be hard to know what to do with... We don't want to project them out onto other people all the time, but we can't ignore them either or they will find their own way to escape.... Until we express them or confront them somehow they have a real hold over us and can really pull us down...

Saturday, 3 November 2012

How to Balance your Right and Left Brain Hemispheres


How to Balance your Right and Left Brain Hemispheres

Most of us in our society are left-brain dominant. As a test to see how dominant your left half is, try to say only the COLOR of the following words:   How did you go? If the left brain is dominant it will try to overrule the right brain by reading the word instead of allowing you to focus solely on its color. And...


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